Eurasian Network University to Launch the First Master’s Program on Integration on the EAEU’s Territory
11 April 2023

The first master’s program under the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Eurasian Economic Community (IPA EurAsEC) will be launched at the Eurasian Network University (ENU). In terms of content, it is focused on training specialists in the field of Eurasian integration. It will be available for students from ENU universities, including Lomonosov Moscow State University.
“The main goal of the Eurasian Network University is to create a single platform, by which teachers, students and researchers of universities on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) would be able to freely access methodological and scientific resources,” said the First Vice-Rector of the “University under the IPA EurAsEC”, Director of the Center for Educational Programs and Methodological Support of ENU Elena Lanina.
According to her, the Eurasian Network University is a consortium without the formation of a legal entity, which is an important part of the EAEU’s activities, since it is such an education that allows retaining all the academic rights and freedoms of universities. The structure of the university includes five main centers located in different countries of the Union. For example, the information technology center is located in Belarus, and the center for international cooperation is in Russia.
“Earlier, the CIS and BRICS universities were created, but the Eurasian Network University is fundamentally different from the existing structures. This is an association organized by the universities themselves. It is supported by the Eurasian Economic Commission. The goal of the university is to create unified educational programs that would meet the requirements of all national standards and would not contradict the educational legislation of the five countries,” said Elena Lanina.
Within the program, training is expected to teach to work in organizations of an economic and political orientation, which have been formed at the moment by the legislation of the countries that are members of the Union. The First Vice-Rector of the University expressed her hope for further cooperation between the EAEU countries in the scientific and educational sphere:
“If the development in the educational sphere continues, then the possibility of academic mobility of students, teachers and researchers without obstacles will increase. At the moment, there are small obstacles, since for 30 years the countries of the Union have been moving in different directions.”
Elena Lanina claims that today the future of Union countries’ development in the field of education is beginning to take shape. Interaction in the humanitarian sphere is the basis for creating sustainable cooperation between states.
“The prospects for the development of the Eurasian Network University are very good, given the intensity of development of the EAEU countries. In the near future, a large block of technical universities, natural sciences, will be formed, which will include the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after Razzakov and the Moscow Technical University named after N.E. Bauman. The countries of the Union must have a single labor market, and for this, there must be the same requirements for employees and same levels of education. I am convinced that now the members of the EAEU have an understanding of this aspect at different levels, including the political one,” said the Vice-Rector.
Recall that the Eurasian Network University was founded on May 25, 2022, when 12 leading universities of the Eurasian Economic Union, including Yerevan State University, Kyrgyz University and Lomonosov Moscow State University, signed a memorandum on its creation in Bishkek. The signing of the memorandum was attended by the Rector of Moscow State University Viktor Antonovich Sadovnichy.
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