In this section, you can see the results of the studies on current trends in journalism, media and mass communication of the Eurasian Economic Union countries and the unified information space of the integration association.
The library provides convenient access to current scientific publications of leading media researchers in Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. The materials dedicated to the formation, functioning and development of the unified information space of the Eurasian Economic Union are located in the EAEU section.
The thematic classifier provides a comfortable navigation in the section, which includes the following headings:
• New Media
• TV and Radio
• Periodicals
• Advertising & Public Relations
• Journalistic education
• Media law
• Language of National Media
• State Media Economics
Sociology of Journalism
Simple and intuitive navigation of thematic pages provides an instant transition to full versions of the author’s materials. The sections of the online library are updated monthly.