Presidential Welcome Address
Welcome to the website of the Eurasian Media Studies Center of the Faculty of Journalism.
When creating the EMSC, we set ourselves several tasks.
First of all, it is the development of fundamental science: understanding and generalization of the industry experience of the post-Soviet states and the EAEU as a new subject of economic and political processes. The international perspective has long been the dominant aspect of our scientific activity: thanks to Ya. N. Zasursky, who participated in the international cooperation within UNESCO, the faculty of journalism secured the status of a center for the study of global trends back in the…. – ies of the last century. In this regard, we bear great responsibility and corresponding obligations. The Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University is the main university for teaching and guiding for decades – first in the USSR, and now in Russia.
In order to successfully develop journalistic education, it is necessary to know and understand the unfolding situation in the professional field, industry and new media space in general. That is why being the center of journalistic education in the post-Soviet space and one of the powerful players in the field of media studies, the faculty of journalism always looks not only at the history of our journalism, which came from literature, but also beyond – at the main geopolitical and social and economic trends that dominate the world arena in a particular period. And that is why, along with the actualization of regional cooperation in the post-Soviet space, the faculty’s interest in the Eurasian Economic Union has formed.
Secondly, understanding the general Soviet past and certain current development pathway of the national media systems of the EAEU countries.
Before 1991, the media systems of the USSR countries had a common Soviet and regional hierarchical structure. After the collapse of the superpower, the media, like other institutions, began to transform depending on the political and economic conditions that developed in each of the independent states. During the same period, the world faced the beginning of the digital revolution. Social and political transformations, taking place along with the development of information and communication technologies, have created the conditions for the so-called “double transition”, which has led to very interesting results: old media have been transformed and completely new ones have appeared, unprecedented before.
Thirdly, the study of how the global interacts with the national in similar cultural and political contexts.. Building cooperation within the framework of the regional economic association it is extremely important for us to know what is happening in the information environment of the states, if only because in each of them we need to create a positive image of Russia.
Moreover, the study of the national media systems of the EAEU states helps to identify the main vectors that determine the current and prospective development directions of our states. After all, media systems are not just a social institution. On the one hand, it is industrial, as all mass media are connected by the general principles of the economy and business models. On the other hand, it is social and political, because since the end of the 19th century media have been drivers of political communication for all countries of the world. The interstate cooperation to be more successful, it is necessary to constantly raise awareness of the population and business communities of the member countries about the unfolding situation in the Union. And the role of the journalistic community in this cannot be underestimated.
Best regards,
Elena Vartanova
Dean of the Faculty of Journalism,
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Doctor of Philology
Academician of Russian Academy of Education.